Norma Lucía Piña Hernández

Contact Information:

Phone Number: (52) 332 841 2183


Academic Information:

Primary Education Teacher. Meritorious National School of Teachers. 1974-1978. Approved with Honorable Mention.

Law Degree, National Autonomous University of Mexico (1979-1984). Average 9.6

Specialty in Social Psychology and Communication, National Institute of Educational Sciences (Madrid, Spain) (1977-1978). Scholarship by the Secretariat of Public Education.

Specialty in Constitutional and Administrative Law in the Division of Postgraduate Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico. (1985-1986)

Doctorate in the Division of Postgraduate Studies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. (1986-1988) Average 9.6.

Judicial Specialty, Institute of Judicial Specialization of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (1989).

Specialty in Criminal Law, Universidad Panamericana (1997). Approved with Honorable Mention.

Diploma in Constitutional Law and Amparo at the Institute of the Federal Judiciary. (2001)

Specialty in Legal Argument from the University of Alicante, Spain, from the Postgraduate Course in Law, May-October 2010. Outstanding 9.5

Master in Legal Argument from the University of Alicante, Spain. December 2011 to December 2012. Outstanding 10 (Pending to receive Title)

Work Experience:

Teacher of Primary Education in the School of Pedagogical Experimentation "Manuel M. Acosta" Attached to the Meritorious National School of Teachers.

Academic Technician at the Institute of Legal Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Project Secretary in the Third Collegiate Court in Administrative Matters of the First Circuit. (1988-1992)

Secretary of Study and Account in the First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. (1992-1998)

Opposition Judge in the Third District Court in the State of Morelos. (1998-2000)

Fifth District Judge in Administrative Matters in the Federal District. (2000)

Circuit Magistrate for Opposition as of September 4, 2000.

Magistrate ratified in the Fourteenth Collegiate Court in Administrative Matters of the First Circuit.

Magistrate in the Twentieth Collegiate Administrative Court of the First Circuit (2015)

Currently Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

Teaching Activities:

At the Federal Judiciary Institute, Morelos extension.

Professor of Administrative Amparo in the Master in Administrative and Regulatory Law at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico.

Professor of Constitutional Procedures in the Law Degree at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico.

Speaker at the course-workshop "Amparo en Materia Administrativa".

Professor of Specialty in Amparo Law at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico.

Professor of the Amparo Workshop at the Universidad Panamericana.

Professor in the Basic Course of Training and Preparation of Secretaries of the Judicial Power of the Federation, teaching the topic General Notions of the Amparo Trial. (January 2014)

Specialization and judicial updating at the Institute of the Federal Judiciary:

Judicial Specialization (February 1989)

Diploma in Constitutional Law and Amparo, Judges and Magistrates. (2001)

Seminar on the New Federal Law of Patrimonial Responsibilities of the State (2005)

Course "Introducción a la Economía y Derecho", given in May 2006

Legislative Update Course. (2007)

Legislative Update Course, Administrative Matter module. (2008)

Second Panel Discussion on Economic Competition Issues (2008)

Legislative Action Course, Administrative Matter module. Impact of the Federal Tax Reform (2009)

Legislative Update Course, Administrative Matter module. Tax Reforms (2010)

National Program “Cómo elaborar mejores sentencias”. Lecture series (2010)

Legislative Update Course, Module: Administrative Matters. Tax Reforms (2011)

Itinerant Conference: The impact of the Constitutional Reforms of protection and human rights in the jurisdictional work, organized by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the Federal Judicial Council and the Ministry of Foreign Relations. (2012)

Cycle of Conferences Human Rights and Taxes. (September 2012)

Diploma in Economic Competition and Telecommunications (August-October 2013)



Studies in Tribute to Doctor Héctor Fix-Zamudio in his thirty years as a researcher in Legal Sciences, Volume III, Procedural Law, Institute of Legal Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico 1988, Pages 2403-2426.

"La inconstitucionalidad del Sistema de Multas Fijas", 1995.

"El Arresto como Medida de Apremio", 1995

"Por los Tribunales", 1999

Lex Magazine, Mexico.

Participation in Congresses, Conferences and Seminars:

“Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Justicia Constitucional” & “Quinto Encuentro Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal Constitucional”, held in the City of Cancun, Quintana Roo, organized by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation from May 14 to 16, 2008.

“Primer Encuentro Nacional e Internacional de Magistradas y Juezas”, held in Mexico City, on May 29 and 30, 2008.

Participation in the International Congress of Legal Argument, organized by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation on October 21 and 22, 2010

Lecture at the Seminar “Hacia un nuevo juicio de amparo: Reforma constitucional y Legal” Thematic Table 4. Institute of Legal Research. January 28, 2011.

Conference “Argumentación y Jurisdicción” Institute of the Federal Judiciary, March 3, 2011

First National Forum 2011. The initiative of the New Amparo Law. “Análisis, Discusiones y Propuestas” organized by the Senate of the Republic, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the Council of the Federal Judiciary and the Mexican Association of Impartidos de Justicia and the Academia de Justicia Constitucional, A.C. June 7 and 8, 2011.

Conference in Congress “Los Derechos Humanos de los Contribuyentes”, organized by the Centro Profesional de Capacitación Fiscal, S.C., September 28, 2012.

Forum "Ensayos y Propuestas de Reformas Constitucionales", organized by the Constitutional Points Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of the Congress of the Union, October 14, 2014.

Presentation of the book “Reforma versus Revolución, consideraciones desde la teoría del Estado y de la Constitución sobre los límites materiales a la revisión constitucional”, organized by the Governance Commission of the Senate of the Republic, May 13, 2015.